25/8/22 - Timer & Doors

I first began by adding doors to the game. This was achieved by having a sprite with a trigger that plays 2 animations when the player enters. When they enter the trigger the button is animated to slide down as if pressed and the door is animated to also slide down as if its opening. The button was designed my self however I got the door texture here

After that I added a stopwatch. This tracks the players time spent playing and displays it to them in the top right side of their screen. I had a problem with this as when implementing the saving and loading of the time, I was unable to set the stop watch's elapsed time. To fix this I had to edit the stopwatch time to be offset by what ever the saved time was.

After that I added the abilty to go backwards through the levels. This is useful if you need to get cubes from previous ones into the next ones.

Now that the base game is finished I am able to begin working on the levels them selves. In this update I am just going to plan when the cubes should start and in future updates I will design the levels themselves.

Black: Level 1

Blue: Level 9

Purple: Level 6

Yellow: Level 3

Green: Level 4

Total Levels: 12-15.

Get Cubemunity - Brackeys Game Jam 2022.2

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